Entries must be a single image as captured by the camera.
Images must not be ‘composite images’ that combine subjects or elements from different scenes – replacing a background or sky, for example.

HDR, focus stacking ect that has been performed in camera is permissible.

Each club, APS member or non APS member, may enter the competition at:


  1. Twenty PHOTOS PER CLUB ARE MANDATORY using the following limits;
    • 2 images per person for clubs with more than 40 members,
    • 3 images per person for clubs with less than or equal to 40 but more than 20 members,
    • 4 images per person for clubs with less than or equal to 20 but more than 10 members,
    • 5 images per person for clubs with less than 10 members.
  2. Australian Clubs only are permitted to participate.
  3. Authors may only enter with one club (coordinators must check that authors have only entered with one club).
    Club coordinators must advise their members if their image has been chosen for the club’s Australian Cup entry.
  4. Coherency between photos is not required.
  5. To Enter, each club will nominate a delegate to upload their club’s entry.
  6. A Club’s images will not be presented to the judges consecutively.
    A club’s twenty images will be distributed throughout rounds of judging in that section. Distribution of images will be in the same round order as submitted by the club.
  7. Images entered in previous Australian Cup competitions will not be accepted.
  8. Colour or Monochrome is accepted.

– 1920px by 1200px
HORIZONTAL Images must be 1920px wide and let the height take care of itself as long as it does not exceed 1200px.
VERTICAL Images must be 1200px in height.
SQUARE oriented images must be 1200px by 1200px.
– The maximum file size is 2mb.

Entries must be a single image as captured by the camera.
Images must not be ‘composite images’ that combine subjects or elements from different scenes — replacing a background or sky, for example is not allowed.

Note: The image details are asked for and entered after image has been uploaded.